apMenu Parameters
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Main parameters for apMenu

Name Value Default
backColor Background color (hex value) CAFEBA
backHighColor Mouseover background color (hex value) 157000
fontColor Font color (hex value) 004000
fontHighColor Mouseover font color (hex value) FFFFFF
font Font parameters separated by comma:
Font type
Font size
Font style (0 - plain, 1 - bold, 2 - italic, 3 - bold italic)

menuItems Menu items parameters separated by "{}" and comma:
Item text
Item link
Target window ("_blank" - new window, " _self" - window (frame) that contains the applet, "_parent" - parent frame, "_top" - top-level frame, "windowName" - window (frame) named "windowName") Example - using apMenu with frames

Optional parameters for apMenu

Name Value Default Example
backPic Background image   3, 4
isHorizontal Menu direction false 2, 4
fadeDelay Delay (ms) between fade steps 20 4
fadeSteps Amount of fade steps 30 2, 4
fadeType Fade type (0 - normal, 1 - from center to left and right, 2 - from center up and down, 3 - halfs of item to left and right, 4 - halfs of item up and down) 0 0 - 1, 1 - 3, 2 - 5, 3 - 4, 4 - 2
alignText Text alignment ("left", "center","right") left 3, 5
status Status bar appearance ("text", "link") text 2, 5